8 Tips for Managing Remote Employees

With the recent events surrounding COVID-19 putting some companies in work from home mode, we're here to give you all our tips as CEOs who hire and work remote regularly so you can keep your business moving and keep your employees working!


8 Tips for Managing Remote Employees

With the recent events surrounding COVID-19 putting some companies in work from home mode, we're here to give you our eight tips as CEOs who hire and work remote regularly so you can keep your business moving and keep your employees working!

1. Have a work from home policy

The first step in managing employees from home would be to create a work from home policy! A work from home policy sets up the right expectations while creating an infrastructure that not only supports employees working from home but can reduce any pitfalls that come up when taking employees out of the office. Remote work does not have to disrupt anything, and with the right communication and preparation, you can keep your company running as smoothly as before. An example of a policy we have frequently seen is for employees working in a different time zone are required to work four hours each day that coincide with your company's regular US-based work hours. For a free example of a work from home policy, click the button below to download.[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width="1/3"][/vc_column][vc_column width="1/3"][mkdf_button text="DOWNLOAD POLICY NOW" target="_blank" icon_pack="font_elegant" fe_icon="arrow_carrot-2right" font_weight="" text_transform="" link="https://coworkingatheadquarters.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/Working-Remote-Policy.pdf" color="#ffffff" hover_color="#f89520" background_color="#f89520" hover_border_color="#f89520" hover_background_color="#ffffff"][/vc_column][vc_column width="1/3"][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_empty_space][vc_column_text]

2. Communicate

We have all heard time and time again that communication is key. This is even more true when working remotely. Several free communication tools are open to remote companies. For video conferencing:

  • Google Hangouts
  • Zoom
  • Skype
  • GoToMeeting

For keeping up with employees' work hours and projects:

  • Hubstaff Tasks
  • Teamwork
  • Slack
  • Yac (Our personal favorite)

Yac is a voice messaging system for remote employees and was created by one of our members here at Headquarters Coworking! Originally called “Yelling Across Cubicles,” CEO Justin Mitchell and his team applied for Product Hunt’s first ever Makers Festival and the rest was history. The software allows for remote companies to speak, share, and focus without having to create in-person meetings. Check out the YAC team here.

3. Check-in and check-out with your team

Following the idea of having good means of communication, it is also important to check-in and check-out daily. This means that when you are at your computer working, you send a message that you are “checked in” and when you step away for the night, to eat lunch, etc., you “check out.” Checking in and out alerts your team that you are working and available. It also helps set boundaries for when you are unavailable and done with work for the day. As a precautionary measure, checking in and out can signify that if something is to go wrong while you are away, another team member can step in.

4. Keep everyone updated

We are so used to having a personal relationship in the office where we can talk and ask each other questions. Working from home may lack the personal touch that working in an office can have. We recommend having a weekly team meeting where everyone can socialize while sharing updates on where they are in work, any innovative ideas, or compliment one another on the hard work they have been doing. This is also where managers can clarify expectations and resolve any issues quickly. As a manager, we recommend sending a weekly email to alert your team on the overall health of the company, specific goals for the week, and any updates with clients. Both of these things will keep everyone on the same page so that they can do their work with a better mindset and as efficiently as possible.

5. Set up a designated workspace

When working remotely, it is important to set up a workstation that has natural light, is clean, and also distraction-free so that you can focus. Even though your bed may seem tempting, it is beneficial to have a separation from personal life when working remotely.

6. Take short breaks throughout the day

It is not normal for humans to be cooped up in the house looking at a screen all day alone! Get away from the screen and give your mind a break. You can do this by taking a walk, calling a loved one, or just eating lunch with your family. In the long run, taking short breaks will help you feel better and stay focused when you are working.

7. Check-in with one another

Now that a lot of us are working remotely due to COVID-19, our employees and clients may be struggling mentally and financially. Checking in with your clients and employees is important. To keep the morale high, schedule a team walk using video conferencing tools or send pictures of your new home office to the group chat! You can also give your clients a quick call or message asking them how they are doing and if there is anything you can do to help. We are all in this together!

8. Limit Spending

Now that a lot of companies have to switch to remote work, make sure you are cutting the things that you do not need in the office. What can you save on: Dive into your QuickBooks, live lean and cut things that are not necessary. You should also go through every scenario that may come up with these ever-changing times and have a plan. This is essential so that you don’t get caught by surprise and end up unprepared. Headquarters Coworking is focused on empowering entrepreneurs to start and grow their companies. We know that this may be a challenging time, and we want to help by providing strategic partnerships, one-on-one training and consulting, and opportunities to collaborate with local, seasoned entrepreneurs.If you or someone you know are interested in office space or coworking in Kissimmee, please visit the website at https://coworkingatheadquarters.com/ or contact Kelly Trace at kelly@itsjustreach.com. A free week trial is available to prospective members as well as day passes to those looking to dip their feet into the world of collaborative office space.For the latest information, follow Headquarters Coworking on social media at Facebook.com/JoinHeadquarters, @JoinHeadquartrs on Twitter, and @JoinHeadquarters on Instagram.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][/vc_section]

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